Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Look what I got.....!

                               "Look what I treated myself to for my graduation folk...... so happy; is it not

I wondered what the ladies thought?

Monday, 24 February 2014

Laddered tights.....

These laddered tights are sure not to keep you warm on a cold day..... still fashion is fashion for the young...I wonder what she will think about them in years to come. Will they be a midnight blush as some fashions statements tend to be??

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Happy Girl

A beautiful happy girl...... no worries.


Potholes seem to be the 'norm' in 
Zimbabwe. Many of the holes are deep and dangerous. 

                          Unfortunately before the palm was placed in this hole it caused an accident....

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Village Market Kenya.

At the Village Market in Kenya there is this lovely courtyard and sitting quietly is this wonderful sculpture of a  Masai warrior using a laptop with head phones..... it is great.

The Village courtyard 

The yellow beaded necklace adds a special touch.

                                                Don't you just love the feet and the coke bottle.