Sunday, 25 October 2015

Domboshava and its natural beauty - two

                                 Water erosion making a jagged path
down the boulder and amazing how straight it is....

A gully with wild grass and
yellow moss 

Looking towards Harare over the old farm lands. 

                                               The different colours running along the boulder.

                         Gray in colour between all the other contours and brown and yellow colourings.

                                               The various heights                                            of the boulders and rock.

More water erosion .. 

A walk at Domboshava - one

Domboshava is an amazing accumulation of giant rocks and a huge
boulders on the outskirts of town (Harare) where we often love to go climbing,
exploring and having a glass of wine while looking over the breathtaking
views. A wonderful way to spend the day with friends.

Off we set.  A beautiful winter morning. Good exercise and fresh air.

Natural steps up into the sky

At the top of this huge boulder.

Even in its dryness it is beautiful. 

Another view.

The views from all angles are awesome

More rocks to climb and walk across

Up we go. 

Just a pretty picture. 

jennybphotolife: A Cattle collection

jennybphotolife: A Cattle collection: With not much to do while my husband was chatting I wondered over to the cattle pens and snapped a few pictures. Some folk don't like...

A Cattle collection

With not much to do while my husband was chatting I wondered over to the cattle pens and snapped a few pictures. Some folk don't like cattle while others love them - my late father being one. He loved the Brahman with their hump on their backs. They have a fuzzy spot on their heads and should you be able to scratch it they become all lovable and docile.

These to your left looked sad and mottled by lead
by the predominant male.

I framed this picture and sold it to a 'cattle' fan. 

We don't usually see too many with horns. 

It had just rained and this fellow looked fairly clean 

On the way to market. Cattle in the rural areas seem to keep their horns. 

Just a bit of fun on the computer... 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Fireworks ...

Center explosion 
This was my first attempt at taking pictures of
fireworks.... no too bad but again I am no
expert and certainly a little technically challenged
when it comes to this kind of thing. Still they are full of life and colour..
More colour and more then one explosion.....

Just loved this green colour against the night. 

Still do not know how I got this picture but feel it is interesting. 

I think this is my favourite 


Almost looks like I took this from above.... Yet I was far away from the action which
took place over a dam. 

A big fuzz ball... 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Blue headed Lizard...

This beautiful lizard was watching from his place on the tree

Vibrant colours. 

Such tiny feet yet he moves like

Head held high but still on alert. Amazing how regal he looks. 

Just before take off... We do not see these lizards very often
so it was lovely to watch him. A pity he was all alone. 

Garden Exhibition two - Zimbabwe

More beautiful gardens and ideas. 

Unusual carvings and hand crafted pottery.

Lovely ladies and their hats and nails to match

Wide brim hats for the sunny day. 

Keeping cool under the shade

Beautiful blue pigs made from old drums 
Waiting for sales. 

We could all do with an angel in our gardens... and a bit of music.